What we do

Enabling and supporting digital transition in business, education and research through domestic and international collaboration.

We believe that the knowledge resources and value of the service increase for all of the laboratories when a new member joins the network!

The development of smart production systems laboratories closes the gaps between:

  • what digital students already expect and what analogue education actually delivers,
  • what digital businesses already use and what analogue education actually delivered,
  • what analogue business already looks for and what digital researchers actually deliver,
  • what digital business already looks for and what analogue model of research (siloses of ideas) missed (working solutions).

Development of smart production laboratories network enables synergy in:

  • research and innovations
    exchange of researchers, joined programmes, applying for funds at the EU level etc.
  • partnerships with business
    exchange of good practices, cooperation in implementation projects
  • education
    PhD internships, Erasmus+, double diplomas